Bike tricks?

Hello, a mate of mine got a script on his MTA server so u can do tricks with ur bike, like superman, no hander, no footer, stand on seat and stuff, its so so cool !

So my question is, are there any way of gettin this to samp? I have searched but cant find anything at all..

Please help! /Dennis

about 1800 animations can't suit your needs?

Huh? what do you mean? i mean ON THE BIKE not with just character.. and so you can for example press "1" when its activated to do a one hander and "2" to do a no footer and "3" to do a superman, and so you can do backflips/frontflips instead of just half flips..

This is SA:MP not MTA- MTA has the support to use custom ped files in order to use new animations and other things that reflect any type of "stunt". Although as RSX mentioned- There's over 1800 animations already in SA:MP, so you're able to go through and apply the animation to make it appear you're doing a stunt.


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ok that sucks.. damn that made me thinking of turning pе samp stunt server into a mta stunt server >.>..

But well, thanks..

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