Register on Sa-Mp Wiki?

Hey, How do you get an account on the sa-mp wiki? I hit login/create account but all that comes up is a login.

I guess they are not allowing new registrations at this time.

This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 28 seconds.

Registration is disabled due to users that would possibly destroy the wiki.

Oh okay I see, thanks

Btw nice sig but uh
new PostCount[MAX_USERS];

public OnPlayerPost(playerid, url)
url =;
PostCount[posterid] += 1;
return 1;

Okay this can be locked

Registration was disabled due to some faggots posting shocking and disgusting images on a bunch of pages + lots of people deleting all content on pages.

So is there a way to still get one (like manualy set up)? And I have a guess at who is posting the images, because those ass f****** were doing it on my site to, but yea I was just looking because I wanted to post some pages for sa-mp 0.3c functions

You can not guess that, there are more people than only those f******

would be intresting if there was a moderation system for the wiki as the forums too.
Cause many people (including me) would love to post useful information.

I know, I was in touch with a sa-mp developer to see if he could make me a wiki account, No response xS

There are lots of inaccurate information and outdated ways to do things. I'd really like to contribute to the wiki. Sadface.

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