28.11.2010, 16:55
Последний раз редактировалось CyNiC; 01.12.2010 в 21:01.
Причина: coloured
- Description
This filterscript change the color of the clan tag of the player name for red(you can change).
- Note
The color will be changed only in the chat, not on tab or nickname.
For change the color you need of six caracteres of the colour, for example:
If you want the color white:
Original: 0xFFFFFFAA
Change in the FS: #define TAGCOLOR "{FFFFFF}"
Version 1.0:
Colours the player's name to the same colour of message

Version 1.1:
Colours the player's name to your color and more some details.

This filterscript change the color of the clan tag of the player name for red(you can change).
- Note
The color will be changed only in the chat, not on tab or nickname.
For change the color you need of six caracteres of the colour, for example:
If you want the color white:
Original: 0xFFFFFFAA
Change in the FS: #define TAGCOLOR "{FFFFFF}"
Version 1.0:
Colours the player's name to the same colour of message

Version 1.1:
Colours the player's name to your color and more some details.

pawn Код:
TagColor: Standart Tag Color or Nick Color: Actual = Red
MsgColor: Standart Color Message: Actual = White
Mode 1: Colors the clan tag
Mode 2: Maintains the player's colour nick. (Grim's idea)