The GameTextForPlayer shows too far?

Hey folks,

So I tried to make a place where it shows a text like you can enter by.. and then it shows too far! How can I make it do so that it only shows it when im ONLY in the place where it should show it. Here's the code!

pawn Код:
else if(PlayerToPoint(20, i,810.1588,-2367.4871,4.6415))
            {//Prison bank marker
                GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~use /enter to go ~n~into the bank room", 5000, 1);
                /*SetPlayerInterior(i, 0);
                PlayerInfo[i][pInt] = 0;

How can I change it? Thank you.

pawn Код:
GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~use /enter to go ~n~into the bank room", 2000, 1); // its gonna stay up for 5 second so u want shorter try 2000

Did not work, and made it even bigger lol.

What do u mean bigger a picture would be good


pawn Код:
GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~use /enter to go ~n~into the bank room", 2000, 4);

I mean, I have mapped a map and when I spawn i got the text, but the place itself is like half way of the whole map size from me. So the text range is too high. And I need to lower it, but how?

set timer dude

Lower the first parameter of IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint, which is 20, in your case right now. Lower it to about 5.

TheXII You just made it, and i made the gametext... to sendclientmessage and it kept spamming it, so yeah its in the PLayerToPoint shit, checking.

//EDIT It worked and I got it, now its working just as it should, thank you!

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