
Nevada Roleplay
A Community Project

Hello Everyone, I started a STRICT roleplaying strict, the city will be Las-Venturas, and countries like Bone County etc.

So, how it's gonna work:
  • I'll put a list of needed things.
  • Some people will (if they want) make the requested script.
  • They will have a change of being Faction Leader, Server Security, I'll find you a nice role. ]
  • You'll be credited! with /credits]
  • Remember it's gonna be a commnuity script, so respect each others
Future V.I.P (Helpers):
  • Jason.
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

DONE Things (Ready to be used on the script, don't do the task)
  • ME-G Command (/me but General)
  • Streamed Vehicles. (Thanks to Double-O-Seven for his awesome streamer)
  • LVPD Faction Sys.
  • LVMD Faction Sys. (Need to add /heal but almost done )
  • CCTV System.
  • Animations Script.
  • Spikestrip for LVPD.
  • Cell System
  • Basic commands such as /ban /kick /pm
  • Vehicle Registration System /w Instructors Sys
  • ME-L (/me local (50 meters) )
  • Anti-Money Hack System

Someone took the task, (BUSY,ALMOST DONE ETC) Things
  • Houses to buy (at L-V) (Jason is working on)

No one took the task, (YOU CAN TAKE THE TASK ...)
  • 24-7 System
  • MDC (Mobile Data Computer /mdc, with GUI.)
  • Police CMDS (/cuff, /arrest, /M (Megaphone) /frisk, /pduty, /pequip )
  • EMS CMDS (/heal, /mduty, /mequip)


Oh, and one more thing: I'll not make a forum NOW, i'll make it when the V.0.1 will be done.

Originally Posted by Dark734
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Oh, and one more thing: I'll not make a forum NOW, i'll make it when the V.0.1 will be done.
You could of just edited your post.

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ahahah, Reminds me of my old script, Called exactly that with most of what you need, oh god how people make me laugh!

Nice, hope to see you around the Sa-MP forums more often. If you need a mapper, contact me at my email in my sig.

Ok, Sir.

I sended you an E-Mail.

Just an UP.

Originally Posted by Dark734
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Just an UP.
You can only UP after 12 hours mister newbie

Read the rules, Quoted below.


kaisersouse 29/07/2008, 02:44 PM

a) Use a proper subject
Something like '------------>HELP PLZ FAST NOW HELP!!!!!!!!!!!<----------' is not very descriptive and very annoying.
Make a proper subject with a short description, such as 'Gates won't open' or 'Game crashes instantly'

b) Do not bump
Some people apparently think they are important enough to bump their own topic after 10 minutes.
You can bump topics when the last reply is at least 48 hours old, and it needs to have useful information about your problem.

I'm sorry about that.

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