Idea for SA-MP server list

Rating system for each server would be good in my opinion, not sure how it'd work with banned players n'all but one way or another you could rate a server.

Very nice idea ғαιιοцт.

I agree with ғαιιοцт.

Originally Posted by Faraday
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I'd suggest a classification on 'Type of GameMode'.

Add a parameter to the server.cfg file like:
gamemodetype DM 1
Classes could be:
RP     0
DM    1
This could make it much easier for players to look for their favorite type of gamemode and search only through those servers..
The parameter has been used, for number of loading the gamemode after restart ( gmx ).

I'm glad many people agree with me

the idea is possible.

I like your style fallout.

Originally Posted by Sergei
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It cannot work out. As you have stated majority of server owners are retards. So they would firstly spam/complain/bitch on IRC/forum/PM to get someone to check their server. When they would see it is not going to be accepted, they would start with different threads and just generally do bad things.

Image that you are member of that special team. Your PM box is filling up all the time with subjects like:
  • Please check
  • read please
  • Plz read
  • Can you check it?
  • Yo uread PMs dude?
  • When are you going to check it?
  • Wtf :S
  • I've been waiting for 1h already ...
  • c'mon man
  • my server is very good check it!
  • etcetra
Whatever arguments you bring up, they can't hide the reality. Sad, but true.
+1 nothing else to say.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

So with that being said, it may not be such a great idea.

There could be a form to be filled in when you want your server to be checked out.
that way, the people can't send ennoying pm's to staff be ause they wouldn't know who is responsible for it.

I think you guys need to accept that if you have the "best server in the world", it's going to take time for other people to realize that. So instead of buying a 100 slot server for 3 months, buy a 25 slot server for a year and upgrade it if the server takes off?

It's about sticking around for as long as possible, with minimal interruption. If people keep seeing your servers name around the place, they'll eventually give it a go.

What's the point in this?

The list where you have "Reviewed servers" is basically like the official server lists all over again, except this time, it will probably have much less.

It's like what Sergei said, Beta Testers will get spammed with PM's asking to check out their server.

Lets the facts:
  • Everyday more servers will be added to the list
  • Most servers in the internet list are home hosted (meaning that those GM's are probably just downloaded and used)
  • Many of the same GM's will be used again, which will make it very boring to see the same GM over and over.
  • Most servers are basically the same. Some commands, admin system, a small purpose.
    All you probably will do is:
    1) Register
    2) Play for a bit
    3) Never come back if it's a bad server.
The reasons above are another reason I might be leaving SA:MP. Due to all this unorganized and free will of creating servers.

Compared to other games, such as MTA, or any game not including GTA:SA, there are very few servers.

It's because the servers are VERY hard to make.

Yes, it's good to have a server that is easy to make, but on the other hand, it's the reason we have 3000+ servers, and probably 80% of them are all empty or have about a average of 3 players.

You don't 'keep seeing a server's name, there are thousands

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