Idea for SA-MP server list


I had this idea for a while, but now I'd like to know how you all think about this:

since the current server list has +- 2660 servers online at the moment, people don't search for good servers anymore, they sort on amount of players, and then they join a server which isn't empty.

Servers which have just been launched, have 0 players. They can be very good servers but they can't become known because the list is Sooo long, (nobody just wants to join empty servers) ... (there are +-1300 servers with 0 players.)
the list also takes ages to load.

my idea was to make 2 lists:
- one normal list
- one list with servers that -are rated to be a 'cool' server- (there should the possibility, to aks a team of sa-mp to come check out your server, and rate it; officially) then they can decide if that server can move on to the other list.

this should prevent thousands of stupid servers to be online (or 1000 servers with the same gamemode ...), and it would also give sa-mp a better name because people will constantly be able to join good servers.

I know there are pros and cons about this but I think it's a good idea. (better then the current 'hosted' list because that list doesn't hold the good servers, but it holds the servers of owners with money)

I like the idea, but then there must be a new group for the staff, that checks the servers. But i think can be tiresome.
That means an extra-work for Kalcor to create such a system.

So you suggest that SA-MP team should check out 2000+ servers and rate them? That is just crazy. Would you like to go trough 2000+ serves, most of them copies of eachother, and troughly check them out to rate them?

Its a good idea after all.

yes, it would be more work, but people could maybe subscribe to enter that 'team' for checking servers, so that kalcor doesn't need to do anything ^^

no, they shouldn't check out all the servers, but there should be a thread added somewhere, where people can ask like "I'd like my server to be checked out, ip: ...."

like that

Originally Posted by Vandooz
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Its a good idea after all.
i agree with u

another idea could be: pay Ђ5.00 or something (uh I don't know what price) when you want your server to be checked

this would be a great idea:
- the team who needs to check out servers, don't get really bored because they earn money with it
-> Ђ5.00 is cheaper then hosted list now, and the Ђ5.00 would only need to be payed once, since your server only needs to be checked once
- this als prevents a massive demand of people asking "check out my server plz!!" (when it costs money, only the more-serious servers will ask)

It cannot work out. As you have stated majority of server owners are retards. So they would firstly spam/complain/bitch on IRC/forum/PM to get someone to check their server. When they would see it is not going to be accepted, they would start with different threads and just generally do bad things.

Image that you are member of that special team. Your PM box is filling up all the time with subjects like:
  • Please check
  • read please
  • Plz read
  • Can you check it?
  • Yo uread PMs dude?
  • When are you going to check it?
  • Wtf :S
  • I've been waiting for 1h already ...
  • c'mon man
  • my server is very good check it!
  • etcetra
Whatever arguments you bring up, they can't hide the reality. Sad, but true.

the Ђ5.00 fixes that problem

people who think they have a 'not so good' server, won't ask the team to come check out because they will loose Ђ5.00 then.
-> team has less work because only good servers will ask them to check it out

for the good servers: paying Ђ5.00 once, is still better then Ђ12.5 every month right?

there could be complains yes,
but they are there now too right? people who complain that you have to pay Ђ12.5 every month for just server listing?
there posts show up every day (you can see one on the first page of this board now)

Buy a hosted listing, it's the only way you can prove your server is worth it and supports SA-MP development at the same time.

I think it's totally no the way to prove your server is worth it.

it only proves you have money.

this is also why there are so many bad servers in that list.

Originally Posted by Woet
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Buy a hosted listing, it's the only way you can prove your server is worth it and supports SA-MP development at the same time.
I can sort of agree with that, but does purchasing hosted listing really prove your server is good? If your rich you can still buy that and run godfather.

I totally agree with this idea as my old server was affected by the "majority of players" statement on the Hosted tab.

I see it as the old "Official" tab but with less strict rules on who can enter the tab.

Besides, don't people now get flooded with "can i has a hosted tab?" stuff now? It is no different now then it would be if this idea were to take form. Also, if you can't deal with the mass amount of people trying to get into the tab by flooding your PM box, you shouldn't be a part of this team.

Supporting this idea.. it's awesome!

How about make the list depend on the SA-MP staff's favourite servers? It's the same as approving servers, only better. They know the admins of the server or even the owners.

Whilst a server gets approved and stuff by the sa-mp team, the server owner will get an admin team full of brainless noobs and who gets the blame? SA-MP, as they put such servers in the list.

This should be community based, instead of SA-MP Team.
Maybe a official server monitor with ranking system. So when you create a new server, have 0 players you can make a thread for a whole community to rate your server. Instead of bugging the SA-MP team. If it's good and gets good ratings, you got your chance to stand out.

Originally Posted by TheXIII
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This should be community based, instead of SA-MP Team.
Maybe a official server monitor with ranking system. So when you create a new server, have 0 players you can make a thread for a whole community to rate your server. Instead of bugging the SA-MP team. If it's good and gets good ratings, you got your chance to stand out.
I do like the idea of this. A global server ranking system. People can vote. Make comments (maybe not). The ratings can be based on how often the server is up, the amount of players that it has on the server, etc.

You have SACNR monitor which can do all that.

the problem is that if you have a great server, but 0 players, the ranking won't get any better, even if it would be The best server in the world ... if you understand what I mean

I'd suggest a classification on 'Type of GameMode'.

Add a parameter to the server.cfg file like:
gamemodetype DM 1
Classes could be:
RP     0
DM    1
This could make it much easier for players to look for their favorite type of gamemode and search only through those servers..

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