Checkpoint problem

Hey guys, just wondering why when i set my checkpoints for like bank and others when you start a truck job for example when you get near the bank checkpoint it changes to the location of the bank so you can finish the job at the bank or any other checkpoint.

Search for a Checkpoint streamer.

I already use F_Streamer but still get that problem

Since you use a streamer, each checkpoint should have a unique id with which it is identified in the script.
So just check for that.

Yeah i have set each checkpoint to its own ID i dont think i explained right in the first post ill try explain again.

If you are doing say a trucking mission and there is a checkpoint on the map and your heading to it IF you drive close enough to another checkpoint so it shows up you but carry on driving past it the original checkpoint for completing the trucking mission does not show up again it will just keep showing the other checkpoint that you drove past untill you enter it and it will finish the trucking mission there instead.

Hope thats a little clearer?

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