[Script Help] Vehicle System - Identify Cars

Well i am working on a private vehicle system everything is great and works except the part of recognizing cars.
i mean its recognize only the id 0 car (and i don't mean GetPlayerVehicleID id)...
for each car that i make with the system its creates a file for it and i tried to identify the cars by GetPlayerVehicleID
and i think its worked but suddenly it stopped...
any way my question is if there is another way to identify cars besides GetPlayerVehicleID...
thank you

You can give every car their own individual ID, but I suggest you use MySQL for this instead since it provides auto incrementation.

hmm 'till now i used only dini...
can you give me a good tutorial about mysql gow to work with it in pawno?


hm.... thanks but this is not what i meant...
i meant how to use mysql and pawno in general...
cuz i never used mysql with pawno.. :S

You need a MySQL plugin, there are several available in the appropriate section. They all have documentation with them, and there are several tutorials on it as well. Plus, you always have the search button!

i got the the plugin and the include but what are those documentation?
i found some tutorials but they don't say anything about documentation
except 1 and he gave some site but there were a lot of downloads and stuff and i didn't understood what to do there

then OnPlayerEnterVehicle
... dini get...
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Originally Posted by XePloiT
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i got the the plugin and the include but what are those documentation?
i found some tutorials but they don't say anything about documentation
except 1 and he gave some site but there were a lot of downloads and stuff and i didn't understood what to do there
StrickenKids MySQL Plugin Documentation
G-sTyLeZzZ MySQL Plugin Documentation
You should have a basic understanding on how to build SQL queries and build DB structures.
Also the functions from these plugins aren't exactly as easy as SetPlayerSkin(..), or such.

hm how can i get the level of player or name from the data base?
i tried:
stock IsPlayerAdminR(playerid)
    new playrname[24],str2[256];
	format(str2,sizeof(str2),"SELECT `AdminLevel` FROM `rUsers` WHERE `Name`='%s'",playrname);
	new res=mysql_fetch_int(mysql_query(str2));
	return res;
bot this is doesn't work....
as you can see i new in all that MYSQL+PAWNO stuff...

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