10.11.2010, 13:52
hum this textdraw dosnt appear
thats ongamemodeinit
then ontop of gamemodeinit
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, website);
SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 12, 1689.2783,1825.2571,21.0895, 56, 0);
return 1;
/*==========Spawn text=========*/
spawntext = TextDrawCreate(240.0,580.0,"Welcome read the /rules and follow them otherwise \n you will get banned, if you want \n to know some teles try /teles\n if you want to hang around the server\n but dont know how to try /cmds\n if you have a question /ask or see a \nrule breaker try /report \nGratz PSC clan");
/*==========End of spawn text=========*/
then ontop of gamemodeinit
pawn Код:
new Text:spawntext;