[DEV] Project NoName

Hi everyone,

First of all... I am Bas, I am 16 years old and I live in Holland. I'm a professional webdesigner, but can code C# and PAWN too. I recently started a new project: Project Noname. It's the new generation of RPG servers. In a few months, no-one would still talk about The Godfather, but everyone will talk about: Project NoName. It's a RPG gamemode made my me so far. The entire gamemode will be build from scratch, and everyone will be saved in mysql databases.
This project will take a while, but I think it will be the best gamemode around, just because I'm a perfectionist, and I will make everything working just the way it should be. It will be a very advanced gamemode. Also, I will NOT release it untill all the bugs are fixed.
Also, I'm looking for a co-owner of the beta server. It will be amazing if an experienced coder is willing to make a fantastic gamemode with me.
First I will create the gamemode untill it's good enough to play. Then a beta server will be launched. During that time I will add features, fix bugs, take suggestions etcetera.
So. My idea was to make like a project-development thread. I will update it very often to show you guys the newest updates in the script.
So, are you an experienced coder, and do you want to create the next generation RPG gamemode with me? Contact me!

So, here a list of the features that are done so far. Also I will update a bunch of screenshots tomorrow.

-Login/register system
-Very advanced vehicle system. All the cars, including non-game-owned vehciles, like LSPD vehicles, are stored in the MySQL database. Also everyone can hold up to 5 key's. Your own vehicles are not included in this number. Also the /pv (park vehicle) command is done. The dealers are finished too.
-OOC and NOOB chat
-LSPD system with a dynamic tazer gun, speedgun (very advanced system), and drag, cuff, jail, remote control (video soon)

I just started like 5 days ago, so more to come soon!

Thanks for reading, and I hope for some suggestions, and coders. btw, no money is involved with it. I'm just looking for that person who wants to e in the credits list of the next generation RPG scripts


Remind me why this is in scripting discussion? Surely this should be in Server Advertising? No?

No, this isn't a advertisement, as there isn't a server.

Well, hopefully you can do it and put GodFather away and into the past, but one thing. If you do it and release this all they will do is talk about this and then this would become the next GodFather. But good idea so far i guess.

Thanks steven. Interested in joining the team?


Willing to help.

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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Willing to help.
Use ****** code, i might help some too.

Great. If anyone is interested, please contact me via PM or Windows Live Messenger: sabsab50@hotmail.com

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