Banned from IRC

Ok, I recently went into #sa-mp with the nickname " `` " and Mow banned me with the reason "hi there blacklite".

Who the hell is 'Blacklite' and why does Mow think I am him?

I demand to be unbanned from that channel as for this is really disturbing. I am sorry if this thread is disturbing to some of you people, but I just find it unresponsive that I would get banned by a simple mistake. My hostname: 94F7AB34.1A1B116A.2BC79298.IP

PS: I barely even get in #sa-mp, and this is one of those particular times that I got on because I needed help with something. I am aware that #sa-mp.scripting exists, but I didn't remember at that time...

PSS: Dot


But just to let you know, '94F7AB34.1A1B116A.2BC79298.IP' is not your hostname, that is a hostname cloak to cover your real host.

Firstly, I am Blacklite.

Secondly, your ban reason was not "Hi Blacklite", someone said that as you were banned:

[15:11] <Joseeee> hi blacklite

And thirdly, you're probably banned because of this:

[15:10] *** `` joined #sa-mp
[15:10] <``> #0.0
[15:10] <``> #0.0
[15:10] <``> #0.0


lol owned by Blacklite xD

anyways, you deserve it.

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