20.09.2010, 20:17
- Introduction
- Command list
- Download
- How to use it
- Credits
Hello. This account system and admin system was made mostly for Roleplay servers. There are 6 questions when you go through the registration, but you can always edit those questions or add more if you feel for it. This is generally made as simple as it could be and I'm looking forward to see how people are going to act on this topic. This is the first version I will be releasing of wAdmin, and I will be updating wAdmin alot in the upcoming time. Well this is not the biggest yet, but don't worry. I will make it grow!
Command list
Admin commands:
Level 1 Moderator: /kick - /ajail - /announce - /unfreeze - /freeze - /warn - /setskin Level 2 Administrator: /ban - /clearchat - /veh Level 3 Administrator: /rav - /rv Level 4 Administrator: /restart Lead Administrator / Rcon Administrator: /makeadmin - /restart - /dv |
/register - /login - /leavecar - /admins - /checkjailtime - /time - /stats |
How to use it?
- Copy & Paste, this file: AccountSystem.amx -> Server directory/filterscripts
- Copy & Paste, the 3 includes: utils, dudb and dini -> server directory/pawno/includes.
- Copy & Paste, the wAdmin folder -> Server directory/scriptfiles
- Open your server.cfg and insert AccountSystem in the filterscript line.
pawn Код:
87: Textdraw0 = TextDrawCreate(144.000000, 197.000000, "Servername"); // Change this to your servername
96: Textdraw1 = TextDrawCreate(208.000000, 223.000000, "ServerMode"); // Change this to your servermode
pawn Код:
128: SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORIGINAL,"___________________[Servername Servermode]___________________");
137: SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORIGINAL,"___________________[Servername Servermode]___________________");
My credits goes to:
Dstoft - Jailtimer
Thank you and hope you like it!
- Wennicke - Yup, Lion King theme month.