Loading Npcs In 0.3b Server

Hello! I am having a problem loading all my npcs into my 0.3b server. I have to have 6 npc join my server for my server to work right and only 4/6 are joining. 1 tries but I believe timesout and the other doesn't even try. How do I fix this, please help!

Can someone please help? I am really stuck here and can use some help! I have tried almost everything to figure this out and its not helping.

Send what your logs says and check if the function ConnectNPC at your gamemode is correct

My log says that four out of the six npcs that are suppose to connect connected successfully and one left the server as a [npcart]NPCNAME left the server (3:0) or something like that and then the other one doesn't even try to connect.

maybe some function related to your npcs is making it crash when they connect

Its not crashing its just like one is getting kicked and the other doesnt even try to connect

You use an filterscript? if yes try to compile using 0.3b pawno and includes

I have already done this! I am to the point now where I have tried just about everything and I am not stuck. Does Anyone out there now what the problem is? An answer that fixes it would be greatly appreciated

Sorry i cant help you im just an begginer, but anyways im pretty sure someone will reply your question and will help you to figure out whats happening, Sorry bro

Thats ok, at least you tried! For that I appreciate it a lot. Some people wouldn't even try to help someone else. But at least you took the effort to. Thanks anyways.

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