Flash Tutorial

Well i have had request's to make a flash tutorial because of my past games i have made (Maze, Zombie. etc.)

Well here it is, the main tutorial was on Underground-gfx.info


This is just a quick picture tutorial, which can make an object move with arrow keys :3

First start a new flash document (File > New) if you are using adobe CS5 then it may ask for which script. make sure you choose ActionScript 2.0


Right click on our first frame and select Actions


Type stop(); into the action coding area. This stop the frame looping and carrying onto the next frame. Now close the window.


Now, draw a basic square/Circle or w/e you want to move onto our frame.


After we have done that, select the object we just drew, by holding your mouse down and selecting a box around it (Make sure you don't just click it.)


After right click > Convert to Symbol


Call it Person and make sure it's a movieclip


Press Ok. Now we want to right click our newly made square/object and select actions.


In our action window type:
This is required on all objects etc. I will mention later on what this does. It should now look like this:


Inside the onClipEvent you want to type:

		this._x -= 3;
		this._x += 3;
		this._y -= 3;
		this._y += 3;
You may now be like BLAHSBW what is that?

I will now describe it line by line.

Basically this is saying If the key is pressed down, which is key Left, so if Key left is pressed down then.. (Key left is left arrow key.)

this._x -= 3;
this. is our object (our person w/e)
_x is our x axis, Y is up and down. X is left and right.

So what we are doing here is taking 3 from X which makes him move 3 points left. you should now be able to guess what the rest means as it's the same as what i have just described but changed slightly.

Your code window should now look like this:


Now press CTRL + Enter to run your animation and try pressing your left right up and down arrow keys.

A new tutorial will be coming soon. check the forums.

Basic, but shows basic functionality of Flash Pro CS5. Nice work.

I'm not sure if this work's in action script 3 as I have not done that yet, but I'm guessing.

If someone can confirm that would be nice

Originally Posted by Mrkrabz
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I'm not sure if this work's in action script 3 as I have not done that yet, but I'm guessing.

If someone can confirm that would be nice
So far as i know there is no "Key.isDown" in Actionscript 3 anymore - and you have to do it with "AddEventListener"(Or how they are called :P)

Originally Posted by BMGP
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So far as i know there is no "Key.isDown" in Actionscript 3 anymore - and you have to do it with "AddEventListener"(Or how they are called :P)
Oh great, it will be like learning it all over again -.-

Originally Posted by Mrkrabz
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Oh great, it will be like learning it all over again -.-
exactly xD - you are moving to As3 instead of 2?

Originally Posted by BMGP
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exactly xD - you are moving to As3 instead of 2?
Not yet, I'm going to do a little more in AS2

Actually I have to admit, that the tutorial is quit good
btw did you notice your PM ? you don't seem checking them :^ :P

- Ecko

I don't check my PM's i have like 50 unread PM's from 2 weeks ago. but ill have a quick check.

I'd put all my script on the main time line instead and giving the movieclips instance names, also it wouldn't work in AS 3.0.

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