[Tutorial] How to avoid 'fatal error 100: cannot read from file'

I have seen MANY people that complain about a VERY SIMPLE mistake. 'Cannot read from file'

Even though they have the file in the correct place, it will spit out that error because they tend to conflict if you have more than 1 pawno in your pc.

How to fix it?
Very simple, follow this steps below:

1. Open pawno.exe ( Make sure you open the same pawno that contains all your stuff )
2. Click: File > Open > YOURSCRIPT ( The one that is showing errors )
3. Compile.

Some topics that i seen having this errors:
C:\DOCUME~1\CHRIST~1\Desktop\DEV'SM~1\FILTER~1\GarHouse.pwn(28) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "streamer"
C:\Documents and Settings\Vlado\Desktop\sa-mp\filterscripts\Mace.pwn(2) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Dini"
I was trying to compile several scripts but I got the same error everytime ''Fatal error 100: cannot read from file  ''a_samp''. I even downloaded a whole new server from sa-mp.com and compiled a blanc script and I still got the same error, anyone knows what I should do?
Hi when i compile my gm it says : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Foreach" plz help i dont wanna ruin my 41k line
C:\Users\William\Downloads\TI\Tropical Island Server\filterscripts\Adminscript.pwn(2) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "lethaldudb2"
C:\Documents and Settings\Vlado\Desktop\sa-mp\gamemodes\Mace.pwn(2) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Dini"
C:\Users\Brad\Desktop\VortexRoleplay.pwn(20) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "streamer"
C:\Users\User\Desktop\0.3b\Gamemodes\SATDM_v9.pwn( 46) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Ldudb"
I have WIndow's XP ,

: fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "xadmin/Xtremeadmin.inc"

I dont know what to do!!!

Please help

I have all .inc files
And all the things are good ... but then in get this.....
My other filterscripts works verry goood
Please help me!
Anyways, i don't want to go through all the topics. And I think there is two of the same errors above ^ and that is because that same person made two topics about the same thing.
Again, this is only for the people that have the correct files were they are supposed to be, but its giving this error!

And sorry for this small tut, but its too easy to fix, just teaching people what and how the problem is caused. And how to fix it

Great, helped me thanks.

As you mentioned, this happens when people have more than one pawno on their computer and they click the pwn file to open it rather than opening pawno, then File>Open>Compile, which loads the correct dll's etc.

Very simple, but good lesson

Nice Tutorial

Nice tut,Simple too

Great info to those starters mate, should reduce some spam of bullshit around here :P

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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Great info to those starters mate, should reduce some spam of bullshit around here :P
no tutorial reduces spam, 50% of topics can be solved by searching, which some users do not do. They don't read tutorials, because there are still threads on the EXACT topics tutorials are trying to teach. Then there is that small percentage that searches, and this will help them :P

OK, some people may say this didn't work too. You have to close pawno, then go to the "pawno" folder and open pawno manually, after doing so, choose "open", select your file, open it, then ONLY press "compile".

Just to add Why this happens:

It is Usual by people with more than one Server Package. PAWNO is Programmed to Configure registry so that Every .pwn file is executed with RecentOpenedSAMPServerPackage\pawno\pawn.exe
So basically then you goto the other Package you are scripting for and open a .pwn file And That isnt the Pawno from the package you are working from then Another one. So we need to re-accosiate pawno....

Oh sorry Guys that was SUPER not Understandable here il simple it out


You open Server2\pawno\pawn.exe. Server2\pawno\pawn.exe makes all pawn files open with it.
You open Server1\filterscripts\gamemode.pwn. gamemode.pwn Opens with Server2\pawno\pawn.exe
Server2\pawno\pawn.exe Loads all Server2\pawno\include Includes.
And we need the includes from Server1

So, we open Server1\pawno\pawn.exe pawn.exe of Server1 makes all .pwn files open with it.
All Needed includes are loaded.

You succeded.

Nice and helpful.

Yeah, KK and DeadAhead thanks for making things clearer.

Damn! lol so easy! xd

i did what KK said but it still didn't work 0,0
C:\Users\Gebruiker\Desktop\SAMP servert3\gamemodes\onzeserver.pwn(2) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "aHouse"
still appears :S
i just can't get it done i've tried everything that appeared in my brainsz!

Did you open the right pawno? If you click on the .pwn to open pawno it might have opened the wrong one, wich is not linked to "aHouse.inc"

some more info.

1) Put your plugins properly
2) Update your .Net Framework

Good And I Have my TuT Too
it's Simple like this,, anyway!
Thank u!

thank you very much thats helped me XD

Very simple, but very good

This does not work to me? It still keeps giving the error for some reason.

Originally Posted by Alphos
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This does not work to me? It still keeps giving the error for some reason.
Open the pawno, where you've putted the includes in the include folder. Do NOT open your GM/FS with a double-click. Then open the game mode with ctrl+o, and try it again

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