Draw Distance Bug With 0.3b

Hello Guys,

I know many of you have heard the question how to convert from 0.3a to 0.3b. Well, I need some help with this but it's just a few problems nothing really big. I have a gm that uses ingonitos streamer. I downloaded his streamer and added a 200 at the end of the coordinates for all my objects. After recompiling with 0.3b and everything, when I logged in no objects appeared. Below is an example of what I added.

pawn Code:
CreateDynamicObject(3578, 1286.6333007813, 333.51092529297, 19.082725524902, 0, 0, 19.940002441406, 200);
If you see anyhting wrong here please tell me. It will be greatly appreciated.

pawn Code:
native CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:distance = 200.0);
pawn Code:
CreateDynamicObject(3578,1286.6333007813, 333.51092529297, 19.082725524902, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 200.0);
You left out worldid, interiorid, and playerid all -1

What is this for then?

pawn Code:

The height of the object

pawn Code:
CreateDynamicObject(3578,1286.6333007813, 333.51092529297, 19.082725524902, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 200.0);

Ok, so the code should look like this?

pawn Code:
CreateDynamicObject(3578,1286.6333007813, 333.51092529297, 19.082725524902, 19.940002441406, -1, -1, -1, 200.0);
This doesn't look right it looks like it is saying this:

Make the object 3578

Place it at X,Y,Z

Rotate it on RX at 19.940002441406

then the rest.....

I don't understand! Every code you have shown you have left those coordinates out. Can you explain?

pawn Code:
CreateDynamicObject(3578,1286.6333007813, 333.51092529297, 19.082725524902, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 200.0);
Model,X,Y,Z,rX,rY,rZ,worldid,interiorid,playerid,d istance.

So those height coordinates are not needed?

they are.

then where do I fit them into the sequence you aren't showing me where to put those "height" coordinates

I am not trying to make it sound like I want you to do this for me I am just simply trying to learn so I can get better at scripting

What you aren't getting, is that the "X, Y and Z" are the height, etc, etc. (specifics anyone?)

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