23.10.2010, 11:53
Spanel was created for use in hosting, but also is total use in a personal way.
Spanel including v1.0
- Ban / Unban IP.
- Ban / Unban User
- Kick User
- Posts Asay
- Reset bans!
- Reset server!
- Turn on server!
- Info from the server!
- FileManager (under construction)
- And do not know if I forget something aajj
Having AppServ / Xampp or any resemblance to apache and php.
Copy the directory a www directory (appserv) or htdocs (in xampp) and open the folder functions, there are several files found in PHP, must open and edit as it says there is IP, PORT and PASSWORD RCON and nothing else ...
Everything was built on PHP ...
V1.5 coming soon
- FileManager
- Turn on server (Windows and Linux)
- Edit server.cfg
- And maybe if I find out more access to MySql (do not know anything about this ajaj)
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NFZ60B1NLangugage this SPanel is Spanish
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