[FilterScript] New MaxAdmin Virsion "Fixed"!!!

Hey All I Have Fixed All Problems So You can enjoy in admin script

Max Admin Script

Current Version: 3.5
Date Released: 21/10/2010
Updated: 22/10/2010
Lines: 1740

The Commands

----------------|| Moderator Commands ||------------------
/asay, /akill /warn /mute, /unmute, /freeze, /unfreeze

---------------|| Main Moderator Commands ||------------------
ann1/2, /giveweapon, /spec (off),/goto, /get

---------------|| Administrator Commands ||------------------
/setskin, /sethealth, /kick, /veh, /jail, /unjail

---------------|| Head Admins Commands ||------------------
/ban, /setscore, /givecash, /explode, /clear");

---------------|| Server Owner Commands ||------------------
/gmx, /setlevel, /unban");

What New:

"help" to view server stats.
"ahelp" for admin command
"asay" sends a message to admins only
"pm" sends a personal message to a user
"ask" send question for admins
"#" admin chat

How To Install:

1. Put The File Name maxadmin folder into scriptfiles
2. Copy 'maxadmin.amx' and 'maxadmin.pwn' into filterscripts folder
3. To complie and for not get erros you will need maxadmin.inc' in the includes folder
4. open the file name server.cfg go to filterscript line and add MaxAdmin Thats All

There are 5 levels:

Level 1 = Moderator,
Level 2 = Main Moderator
Level 3 = Administator
Level 4 = Head Admins
Level 5 = Owner

How to make yourself admin:

1. Connect to server and tybe /register put your password in dialog then do /login and put same password
2. Open The File In scriptfile/maxadmin/users/Name.ini
3. Search For Something say Level = 0 change its to Level = 5
4. Rejoin Server And /login put password in dialog and good luck!

How to make other players admin:

Type /setlevel [ID] [Level] (note the player must be registered)


[MKD]Thift = All Commands

Download New Link:


nice good work

Nice work keep it up

not bad but try learn Indent the code...

thanks all the old one the problem was with playerid i change it to if(playerid == pID) blalbal

Nice done, i'm also on my own project of FilterScript too. Gonna try it. Thanks

Great job.

good but add more commands like Lux Admin but i like this admin system

btw thanks

Don't forget to give credits to the /warn command from LethaL. Just because you edit it a little doesn't mean you don't have to give credits.

pawn Код:
            string[256], string2[256], string3[256], string4[256];
    format(string,sizeof(string),"**(ADMIN JAIL)** %s(%d) %s READ /Rules",name,pID,Reason);
    format(string2,sizeof(string2),"%s(%d)(Has Been Forced To Read Rules)",name,pID);
    format(string2,sizeof(string3),"You Have Been JALIED By Admin For Reason: %s",Reason);
    format(string4, sizeof(string4), "You Have JAILED %s(%d) For: %s",name, pID, Reason);
You don't need that many strings, just reuse the first one you have. Same with all your other commands basically.

Also read through your FS you have more things to give credit to.

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