How far does a 290 pinger need to aim?

Yeah, I wanna know, please post a screenie for me and others, if you can please

Doesn't it depend on their ping?

1-2 bodies -> 0-100 ping difference.
2-3 bodies -> 100-150/200 ping difference.
4-5 bodies -> 200-300 ping difference.
6 and above -> 300-1000 ping difference.

It all depends on the server and a few client side stuff like how fast the player is moving, how laggy the player is (FPS) and also if the player is/are using mods that edit models and or many other stuff.

Get a friend and start experimenting (i'm talking about the game, some perverted minds might think something else), have him run around you a bit away from you while you shoot him with tec9 or something.
The best way to learn is simply by practising.

Originally Posted by g_aSlice
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Get a friend and start experimenting
Tec-9 May shoot a huge load of ammo fast in a short amount of time but I think its hard to tell which shots actually hit them. (Shouldn't friends have lesser ping differences unless the friend is one online.)

I recommend Deagle + Cbug. It just totally owns and the damage you due to a player can be noticed easily.

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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Tec-9 May shoot a huge load of ammo fast in a short amount of time but I think its hard to tell which shots actually hit them. (Shouldn't friends have lesser ping differences unless the friend is one online.)

I recommend Deagle + Cbug. It just totally owns and the damage you due to a player can be noticed easily.
For those who aren't good at lead aiming, getting hits with deagle on ping ~300 will be hard. That's why you should start off with an automatic weapon.
Maybe the spas would be the better choice.

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