Script Help

Hi well i got a prob with my maps i have Fallouts streamer and it works ok but when i spawn to /aa or something the maps take long to load i need to come really close to objects so they load please help me

include a transferring period...

forward transferre(playerid);

on your /aa command or whatever...:

SetTimerEx("transferre", 1500, false, "i", playerid);
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
and somewhere in you script:

public transferre(playerid)
 TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
 return 1;
this will cause that the player will float at the teleport or spawn positiong for 1.5 seconds, so you have enough time to let the objects load

that wont work because you need to come close tooo the object for it to load

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