Crop Dusting Job

So i'm planning on making a crop dusting job but i wanna make it so they have to use the stuff that comes from the crop duster (you know when you press 2 and it squirts that shit out) I was curious is there actually anyway that i could possibly detect if that's on? If so how would i do that. I wanna make it so if they don't have that stuff squirting then they won't get the checkpoint or paid when they enter the checkpoint. If they do have it on then they will be able to crop dust with no problems.

I thought about with the keys but i wanna know if there is anyway esle

Use OnPlayerKeyStateChange. It would be very accurate by it would be pretty good.

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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Use OnPlayerKeyStateChange. It would be very accurate by it would be pretty good.
I actualluy thought about that like

When the turn it on


and when they turn it off



If(Spray)) //or somthing similar

Is there any other way besides keystate? If not i do plan on using keystate. ((even tho i got a shit load))

Nope unless you find out a method to detect the crop dust white stuff.

Whats wrong with a shitload of script in OPKSC?

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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Nope unless you find out a method to detect the crop dust white stuff.

Whats wrong with a shitload of script in OPKSC?
Nothing is wrong with it. I was just stating that i have a lot of them like Enter keys enter houses nitro key is for lights and ect.

I don't think there is anyother way. I thought i'd ask tho to see if anyone had found a way or somthing

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