03.10.2010, 15:52
I was working on some script that shows a message when a player uses a mask.
here is the script: this is only the showing message part.
at the bottom:
here is the script: this is only the showing message part.
pawn Код:
(1371) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "ProxDetector")
pawn Код:
new string[256];
new sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~W~You have put ~g~ on", 5000, 5);
GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s takes out a mask and puts it on.", sendername);
ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, string, 0xC2A2DAAA,0xC2A2DAAA,0xC2A2DAAA,0xC2A2DAAA,0xC2A2DAAA);
return 1;
pawn Код:
line 1371: public ProxDetector(Float:radi, playerid, string[],col1,col2,col3,col4,col5)
new BigEar[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:posx, Float:posy, Float:posz;
new Float:oldposx, Float:oldposy, Float:oldposz;
new Float:tempposx, Float:tempposy, Float:tempposz;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, oldposx, oldposy, oldposz);
//radi = 2.0; //Trigger Radius
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && (GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i)))
GetPlayerPos(i, posx, posy, posz);
tempposx = (oldposx -posx);
tempposy = (oldposy -posy);
tempposz = (oldposz -posz);
//printf("DEBUG: X:%f Y:%f Z:%f",posx,posy,posz);
if (((tempposx < radi/16) && (tempposx > -radi/16)) && ((tempposy < radi/16) && (tempposy > -radi/16)) && ((tempposz < radi/16) && (tempposz > -radi/16)))
SendClientMessage(i, col1, string);
else if (((tempposx < radi/8) && (tempposx > -radi/8)) && ((tempposy < radi/8) && (tempposy > -radi/8)) && ((tempposz < radi/8) && (tempposz > -radi/8)))
SendClientMessage(i, col2, string);
else if (((tempposx < radi/4) && (tempposx > -radi/4)) && ((tempposy < radi/4) && (tempposy > -radi/4)) && ((tempposz < radi/4) && (tempposz > -radi/4)))
SendClientMessage(i, col3, string);
else if (((tempposx < radi/2) && (tempposx > -radi/2)) && ((tempposy < radi/2) && (tempposy > -radi/2)) && ((tempposz < radi/2) && (tempposz > -radi/2)))
SendClientMessage(i, col4, string);
else if (((tempposx < radi) && (tempposx > -radi)) && ((tempposy < radi) && (tempposy > -radi)) && ((tempposz < radi) && (tempposz > -radi)))
SendClientMessage(i, col5, string);
SendClientMessage(i, col1, string);
return 1;
pawn Код:
forward ProxDetector(Float:radi, playerid, string[],col1,col2,col3,col4,col5);