[Map] More Ships for SF Docks

Was bored and decided to map some ships in the little area near the dry dock between the naval base and SF airport.
It has 2 container ships, one in port, and one in the dock itself with a few construction lights around it. The ship is supported by steal posts so it doesnt seem it floating in mid air. As well as a few other things you can see in the pictures.

Objects are in the pwn code "CreateObject". So you will need to convert them if you are going to use it.

CreateObject(10230, -1698.9348144531, 184.86807250977, 6.9187903404236, 0, 0, 270);
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CreateObject(8879, -1598.6531982422, 111.91413116455, 8.6421842575073, 0, 0, 58);
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CreateObject(16092, -1647.4055175781, 92.514152526855, -11.692052841187, 0, 0, 43.994750976563);
CreateObject(16092, -1640.3166503906, 99.669830322266, -11.692052841187, 0, 0, 43.994750976563);
CreateObject(16092, -1633.2211914063, 106.76826477051, -11.692052841187, 0, 0, 43.994750976563);
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CreateObject(16092, -1611.7299804688, 127.85548400879, -11.692052841187, 0, 0, 43.994750976563);
CreateObject(16092, -1604.8688964844, 135.14671325684, -11.692052841187, 0, 0, 43.994750976563);
CreateObject(2944, -1605.84765625, 137.18310546875, 8.7637939453125, 0, 0, 44);

Very Nice Map!

Very nice

it looks now as a real dock!

Great map!


Agreed with Rickeman as well.

wow very nice makes it more rl 10/10

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