29.09.2010, 02:44
Okay, so i have a house system. I just need to know how to add a house to make them buyable. SO could someone please give me a detailed description please

Really nowl, if your that stupid to not tell us what GM, or FS your using GTFO. We don't need anymore retarded people in the SA-MP community. If you would like to become un-retarded in my book, please post the GM/FS. If you have no idea what "GM","FS" is then(no offense) your really retarded and you will never never be un-retarded in my book. Sorry for the hate but i am getting tired of all these fucking retarded posts on the forum. So please GTFO, or actually learn shit, and not just edit the name of some Gamemode that's RP? Kthxbia
its MY gamemode, I made it. I didnt download it from the forums.
Heres the topic from which i got the House system code, https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=118379 |