Help me invisible objects.

Hey guy's,

I am new at streamers and that shit.
So i putted a base in my server but the problem is i can walk on it etc.
But i dont see them only when i'm in the middel off the object or really close.
how to set this? i got a explain picture:

Thanks for the help!

Change the viewdistance or something.
You need to show us that certain part of your script.

This happened to me when i changed to 0.3b maybe you need to update your streamer

Ok i changed viewdistance to 1000 and stream rate and that shit to 1000 but when i drive to it it crash.

If you got SAMP 0.3b update your streamer...

Someone else please? <-- I dont said that WTF :S ??

anyone who encountered, and solved that problem, will tell you to update the streamer. it WILL work.

Ask mappers there most likley going to know more than the scripters.

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