Vehicle model limit

I have herd that even with a vehicle streamer, you cant go beyond the model limit. Is this true?

i've never really been worried about it, but now i have been doing more and more cars, and im getting higher into the model number. I'm pretty sure that streamers can, but just making sure

Thanks a lot.

There's no vehicle model limt in samp 0.3b.

Originally Posted by mick88
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There's no vehicle model limt in samp 0.3b.
Thanks, i feel out of the loop now xD

Actually to be even more accurate, the Vehicle Model limits became unlimited the start of 0.3a

Originally Posted by Steven82
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Actually to be even more accurate, the Vehicle Model limits became unlimited the start of 0.3a
but there is recommended limit of 126 vehicle model I think.

Hal, if you might remember that dark cars on RoL, it was caused by too many models and shadows were not working as they should, it might got fixed by newer versions though.

Originally Posted by
(*) Although the vehicle model limit in 0.3 is unlimited, if you use a large amount of vehicle models, you may notice parts of your mode become framey as vehicle models are dynamically loaded/unloaded. Keeping the number of vehicle models below 150 is a good idea.
^^ Think about it.

Sorry, Wrong reply plz delete it.

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