Best Way To Make a Zombie Server

What do you think is the best way to make a good zombie server?

What abilities should the zombies have? Should it be an rpg or a tdm? What's the best setting?

In my opinion, zombies are obviously going to be the fast kind, and they need to be able to infect someone very quickly, preferably with a hotkey. It should always be fun playing a zombie, so there should be no cars for the humans to use, and zombies should have special abilities, such as moaning, and other fantastical things, such as a command that kills anyone within 10 feet with spikes. Humans should also light up like a Christmas tree on everyone's radar if they start shooting. More zombies = more fun for survivors. Another route to explore is to make zombies invulnerable to everything but headshots, which are pretty difficult to pull off if the sync isn't good, and even more difficult to script.

But then again, if someone simply doesn't enjoy being a zombie, there should be a mechanism in place to be able to be "revived". This could be anything from allowing logging off and logging back in again to become a survivor, or an actual mechanism in which zombies can be revived in some way, whether it is through a human reviving them with some sort of miracle cure, or some magical machine that turns zombies into humans again.

Humans should get guns, and lots of them (as long as you can't dual wield them)and interesting game mechanisms, such as being able to barricade interiors, and search for supplies and equipment inside of hospitals, ammu nations, police departments, and other special buildings. They should also be able to do emotes and should have a /me command, though role playing should be optional.

As for location, you should always either, spawn zombies near humans, or put everyone into a relatively small area. San Andreas is an archipelago, so if you have plenty of players, you shouldn't worry about anything such as a "quarantine", but usually there aren't that many players in a zombie server, so placing the players under quarantine by walling them in one town or city is probably the best way to go. Or you could have invisible army sharpshooters that pick off anything that tries to enter a certain area.

Best things you can do before starting a zombie game mode, learn the limits of pawn and samp, then always be prepared to have to script workarounds to get everything to work the way its intended.......and trust me I've been developing one for a little over a year now....Tannz0rz and I have spent countless hours on one perk alone (and by countless I mean days....literately...) simply fighting to get something to work within the limits of pawn and samp.

hmm, my checklist:
1. Ive got that, till that chrismas tree (good idea still)
2. i forgot this.
3. Ive got a shipload of (vodka) weapons! till the barricade thing (and again: still an good idea)
4. Ive got that
Quote: placing the players under quarantine by walling them in one town or city is probably the best way to go.

Yep, my gamemode's place is quarantined under this.


+ dont put to much crap in your gamemode that it will lagg, use less timers and script an ping-limit kicker for example.
And yes, it costed me days to fix those zombiekilling bugs (still 5% glitched).

Anyway, i got a tiny self-scripted zombie gamemode. Ive still got some ingame-unvisable problems in my script. The other things are working well.

ps: And im planning to release it on this forum, without those shitty script that bugs.

Originally Posted by Vandooz
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use less timers and script an ping-limit kicker for example.
Well there are plenty of times only a timer will do, best thing is to try and not have a shit load of timers ending at once that bogs down the pawn thread and starts timer desync. I can see your game mode must not push the limits of the pawn vm and samp cuz if it did you won't waste precious processing on something like an anti ping kicker, something any competent admin team can handle and your not wasting checks with cpu.

You could do it a bit like Resident Evil Apocalypse (The second film).

Wall off the entire town, then have just ONE gate on a main road/freeway to get in and out of town, that's heavily guarded by the army.

You could make it so Survivors spawn as far away as possible from this, and their objective is to make it there alive. Once they make it there, they have the choice to change some of their weapons. They could perhaps change their class to someone like a medic or army personnel. Every time they get there, they 'level up', so they have more and more possibilities of what they could change into!

Originally Posted by cyber_punk
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Well there are plenty of times only a timer will do, best thing is to try and not have a shit load of timers ending at once that bogs down the pawn thread and starts timer desync. I can see your game mode must not push the limits of the pawn vm and samp cuz if it did you won't waste precious processing on something like an anti ping kicker, something any competent admin team can handle and your not wasting checks with cpu.
Ive got my ping kicker only OnPlayerSpawn because most people join the server with high ping already. All sort of checks are in placed callbacks (not OnPlayerUpdate). And that lesses the amount of timers by only 2 (because i dont run a very large script).

Ask a fucking zombie? Will help.

Originally Posted by rafay
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Ask a fucking zombie? Will help.

This thread is kinda useless?

****** 'Zombie' and you will find all sorts of things.

Every zombie clan,character can be killed with 1 different way..players should find it out IG..:P that would be cool..

Originally Posted by Aleron
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Every zombie clan,character can be killed with 1 different way..players should find it out IG..:P that would be cool..
Thats a nice idea so you should make different zombie clans,groups which would have different viruses and abilities.The cure is hard to find you gotta find an npc in the guarded city for him to tell you where the cure is.

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