Live Feed via Camera for R/C Plane

So basically, what I want to do is this:

Place a camera on a remote control airplane. With this on the plane, I should be able to look through the camera via my computer to see my plane fly in a first person view. Since I can do this, I can easily fly the plane without even being outside and looking and the plane. I could easily just look at the computer screen and fly

I found a good contraption ( but ... its not a trusted website (that I know of). I would like to buy this off of like Amazon, etc.

Any ideas?


I know that website. I trust them. I bought a RC Tank that shoots BB's

This is the one I bought:

It's so fun xD I shoot soda cans after I'm finish with em

Aright, I feel okay then

2.4ghz is a tiny wavelenght, you will not get more than 100m range from that transmitter.

I can't find any with more signal, I don't think they have any :S

Come on, you can't be that lazy that you don't even go out to fly the plane..


Norn, its just not that, just imagine how cool it would be to see your plane flying as a first person perspective
Also, if you put it on a rc helicopter you can easily peep through peoples windows mwhahaha

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