Pawno problem

I have recently discovered a problem with Pawno when trying to compile and i dont know how to fix.

Files\Rockstar.p(0) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Files\Rockstar.p"

heres a pic of error /imageshack/img84/5915/erroryov.jpg someone please help

Get a new Pawno version.

Whatever gamemode that is, it must require a file called "Rockstar.p" located in "{yourserverdir}/pawno/includes/Files/Rockstar.p".

I suggest you find the Rockstar.p file and place it where I have specified

Not just that gamemode its all .pwn files get that error message when i try to compile.


a .p - file is the same as .pwn, differences...
for Example: "Quincy" (is a Pawn IDE like "Pawno") uses .p-Fileextensions

if u want to use those file, easy rename it in .pwn, then u can compile it.


VScan huh,im just trying to compile .pwn files and every time i try to compile a .pwn file it gets that error.

oh sry

so, maybe it was the given filename, if u checked the filename and the function to read_from_file, i dont know how to clear it...

If u dont tell more and show more code it can be anything !!

i searched all .pwn files and searched all .inc files but theres no rockstar.p file anywhere

Problem solved in IRC.

For anyone else who may get this problem, the problem was because Pawno.exe doesn't seem to use quotes when compiling a file. So if the directory of the .pwn has spaces in it like so

C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp\pawno

It'll recognize the spaces as the end of parameters, and just mess up in general.

So to fix it, put the file in a location without spaces, such as C:\.

JaTochNietDan thx for help on irc

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