streamer -.-

Streamer Plugin - Loading objects partialy, had to go away from them / go back to see them.
Fallout Streamer - Totally bugged my script, and didn't work at all.
MidoStreamer - Loading some of the objects, and doesen't load new ones at all.

So is there any good streamer out there? I've been using xStreamer and it was the best streamer of all time, but my maps started to get bigger, and as of the new SA:MP object limit i started looking for a new streamer.

So is there a good, and unbugged streamer that will load 350+ objects at once, and can stream across a server more than 10000 objects?

Thank you.

Set a higher draw distance in the streamer plugin. And i don't see why you should use other streamers, since the streamer plugin will solve all your problems..

Streamer Plugin is honestly the best one to use imo. I'm currently using it, and it loads all the objects I have. (4000+) The problem that you were having is really more of an SA-MP issue. Some objects won't appear unless you do what you tried or exit a vehicle. It happens to me for some objects. Try messing around with the tickrate, and change the draw distance.

Originally Posted by Kayla.S
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Streamer Plugin is honestly the best one to use imo. I'm currently using it, and it loads all the objects I have. (4000+) The problem that you were having is really more of an SA-MP issue. Some objects won't appear unless you do what you tried or exit a vehicle. It happens to me for some objects. Try messing around with the tickrate, and change the draw distance.
I don't know if it's a SA-MP issue because xStreamer never had those problems, he was fast and reliable but his objects stream limit was 150. -.- Anyway, about streamer plugin, it hapens all the time, all of my maps (that aren't very close apart) with 300+ objects in radius don't load completely - never ever. -.-

If they are too close to each other, it won't stream smoothly. Streamers only dynamically create and destroy objects to display the closest ones, it doesn't actually break the object limit.

Great, so all the other server's are creating fancy interiors with lots of objects right next to each other and it works fine, but for me it isn't working. -.-

Try some different object streamers, maybe that specific one is having problems loading certain objects that you so happen to use. Also, don't put to many next to each other, that's just a golden rule.

Well all of them are few meters away, but it's a building so they can't be to far. And i used every one of the streamers here on the forum, neither of them work except for the xStreamer, which is no longer available and no longer updated. The best shot was the Streamer Plugin, but it continuosly wouldn't load my whole map (320 objects) so i had to run away from that place, and come back and then it would maybe load it. (and that's a fuss, because i cant expect players to be doing that).

I understand with the Streamer plugin there are different things you can configure. Try messing around with those settings and see if it alters the outcome in any way. (It would be in the include file you downloaded with the plugin)

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