GTA 4 USER UI Filterscript Please

i need a filterscript that will look like the picture below,its GTA 4 pic,i know,but i need to no if there i a way to remove the health and armour bar and turn it into maybe an object like a circle at the top and 3d gamemode text about it is what i would think would make it work,need help and ideas,thanks a bunch!


To remove the health and armour bar your have what use this on OnGamModeInit callback:
pawn Код:
To make anything like this in the username use SetPlayerChatBubble with a big timer to disappear, and for last, you can use a symbol like this: [ • ] to make a ball like the image.

Just do ShowNameTag(0); (false) I think

And then use a 3DTextlabel, add it their name above their head.


Cynic beat me

CamelToe is helping and think you for the ideas ppl

hey guys,camel toe couldnt figure it out,so i still need help now,so heres the update for you.

1.The Health And Armour Bar Need To Go.
2.Add object in 3D ( • )
3. Above the symbol ( • ),Add The Username Nearly above it.
4.Also for an add-on when someone dies i want it to make that ding noise when you someone kills you or you die,but this number is optional
Please leave comments because i Still need you help!

1. ShowNameTags(false);
2. Use Chat bubbles to create the "." symbol
3. Use like a 3D text label to get and put their username above it
4. Search the noise IDs on the wiki (

Health and Armour bar? YOu can't get completly rid of those you have to go into your GTA SA settings and disable Radar and Hud

Hello,guys sorry for bringing back up this old topic,but I am at the part of my server where im adding all this stuff in now and i need to know how you do what i put in the description,please help me asap,thanks again samp forums!

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