Need a scripter?

Well, over the last few days I have been wondering if I should start scripting for communities again. Well I decided to and will do it for free as long as the person won't bother me each minute of the day asking for something. I have few things I would like to see about the community before I join, you can PM me on here for my email and I will give it to you. The only reason I am doing it for free is just to help a community out, some people might say its nice or a scam or just plain stupid but I decided to give it a try.

I was think its kye but you are kyle_ :-/ xD

Originally Posted by DarkPower
I was think its kye but you are kyle_ :-/ xD
Almost everyday someone mistakes me for Kye, ha.

Are you still scripting for communities? I shot you a PM.


I am doing this again! But I want a serious community.. dedicated owner(s) + staff.

I'm going to update this thread little more but feel free to PM me for information, etc.

i'm a scripter too and if kyle_ can't help you i'll try too

Well if community is good then its have nice or solid GM and if GM is solid or good then nobody will not let you just steal it

Originally Posted by DRIFT_HUNTER
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Well if community is good then its have nice or solid GM and if GM is solid or good then nobody will not let you just steal it
OFftopic: lol dude, horrible grammer...


No, he's a legit guy, he wouldn't steal a script. I have talked with him and he seems to know what he is talking about.

He didn't push me to see the script or anything, he just asked about what i need etc.

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