28.08.2010, 11:20
Последний раз редактировалось Jantjuh; 28.08.2010 в 12:54.

Hey peeps, today i finished my /bounce filterscript/map.
It is a nice script with the following futures:
- Nice map (With those orange bounce balls)
- An auto-car-repair script
- Anti command spam, players get blocked from typing commands while typing /bounce too much times
- An info pickup with some information about the map
- 9 Dunes (cars)
- 135 objects
- Gametext's while going to /bounce and while picking up the info pickup
- A lot of fun :P
Coming soon :P
Edit: Video added!
Other info:
Please do not re-release this and claim it as yours.
It is ok if you edit this script. :P
If you find map glitches, or just fckn bugs, I would like to hear it so I can fix them.
Please quote!!!

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