Immediate Help Needed-Ravens RP

Hello, I'm using Raven's Roleplay

now I'm having a problem with the player spawn.... when you register, you get sent to the train tracks and then it's supposed to send me to the passport center area.... well, I get frozen on the train tracks. and it happens EVERY time. Please help!

EDIT: Now all my players are having this same problem...

Please respond ASAP my players are getting rambunctious.

There is a topic specially for that. And thank you very much for the info provided. We can get u help ASAP!@!!@!@!@!@!@!!@!!

wow. you didn't help At all. You could at least help me find the topic, and not be so sarcastic. If there was already a post about it, you could just post the answer here.

i to would like to know the fix for this

ok.. its working now.. i just restarted the server. and deleted the userfiles of all the characters.

did that but as soon as someone goes near the tracks boom does it all over again

Yeh even I have the same problem. I removed the user files and started the server again but I still it freezes. I asked help on the forums but no one replied. I really appreciate if anyone could help.

ok i found the prob with it theres a veh there that is doing it i committed out all my cars in the script and went to that area and it stopped its a utility van there thats doing it look for theses

AddStaticVehicleEx(552,2099.4714,-2028.1343,13.2574,314.0533,1,0,30000); // Utility Van
AddStaticVehicleEx(552,2096.5454,-2025.2590,13.2528,315.0451,1,0,30000); // Utility Van
AddStaticVehicleEx(552,2102.0371,-2030.9608,13.2387,314.8104,1,0,30000); // Utility Van
AddStaticVehicleEx(552,2104.5618,-2033.5122,13.2472,314.0822,1,0,30000); // Utility Van
AddStaticVehicleEx(552,2109.1846,-2038.0731,13.2491,314.9892,1,0,30000); // Utility Van

and remove them it should fix it

so what you basically mean isto remove these lines from the script.

pretty much what u wanna do is find any line with this AddStaticVehicleEx(552 and make it look like this //AddStaticVehicleEx(552 so when done it be like this //AddStaticVehicleEx(552,2099.4714,-2028.1343,13.2574,314.0533,1,0,30000); or u can remove if u want

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