Suggestions For Future Sa:MP Versions.

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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With that you could make the radio continue to play quietly after you get out of a car.
This would be so cool. But that function should bet affected by the player-side audio option, because some people have radio volume on 0, so when they get out of they will hear it but not in car. Or you should have functions for getting players settings like radio/sfx volume and draw distance for example.

While a player writing a text, Chatbubble is "..." like this and creating picture .

If player send a text, "..." must be deleted or, if player changed his-her opinion about text like deleting, "..." must be deleted.

picture =

Thx all


I don't know if it's possible to make skins and add it to the game so everybody can see the modded skins. I'm not a scripter and don't know anything about it, honestly. I'm just asking if it's possible.

Originally Posted by vincenzo
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I don't know if it's possible to make skins and add it to the game so everybody can see the modded skins. I'm not a scripter and don't know anything about it, honestly. I'm just asking if it's possible.
There is a plugin for that.

<sarcasm>For 9.8z, we want a 6,000,000,000 player limit, a 9,000,000,000,000,000,000 object limit and OVER NINE THOUSAND EXTRA CITIES IN SAN ANDREAS!</sarcasm>
I personally think that what we currently have in SA-MP is ENOUGH.

Updated main post.

Originally Posted by Tails
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<sarcasm>For 9.8z, we want a 6,000,000,000 player limit, a 9,000,000,000,000,000,000 object limit and OVER NINE THOUSAND EXTRA CITIES IN SAN ANDREAS!</sarcasm>
I personally think that what we currently have in SA-MP is ENOUGH.
I just hope all bugs get fixed over the time, even if we don't see any new features.

I agree with that, some new thigns would be nice though but bug fixing I think is needed.

Could anyone tell me if line of sight and collision detection possible?

What about a new filter for the server browser? Filter/Search for Hostname would be great

Originally Posted by Rafioso
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What about a new filter for the server browser? Filter/Search for Hostname would be great
yes, would be good a new filter

I thought it got added in 0.3b O.o (or i don't have an idea what hostname lookups are x_x)

I think an error message sent to a client who tries to connect to a server that is running a different version of samp is necessary.

Use the old NPC application from 0.3a

Originally Posted by hencz
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Object Oriented language support.
I would like if it would be possible to use C# like or language or C# itself. But any way, i'm up for new languages to be invited into script.
  • Direct plugin default functions usage.
  • Basic drawings parts like lights.
  • More complicated and serius dev's package that include:
    • Showing of : Functions executed; Passing parameters; Complete overview of performance
    • Consule of functions - it could be partly made with dialogs, but such a feature of seeing functions in execution and breaking them wouldn't be scriptable.
    • Some kind of complete usage table, which ofcourse on view would be all window, but would make visible usage of things - functions, like optimisation of unused things.
  • I Still want that ability to ignore arguments in functions like:
    • Set<Any>Velocity - Recalculating gravity is just sad, but otherwise there's none.
    • SendClientMessage - Maybe i just want to send tons messages, why bothering with arguments that could be optional.
  • Making some updates in server just for not having to use pointless code.
  • And again, while GCS isn't for everyone, paintjobs would be nice thing.
  • SetTimer(Ex) being able to use default functions, instead of making 100 functions to handle default ones with delay.

Make that ApplyAnimation returns index of applied animation.

And add:
ApplyAnimationEx(playerid, index, Float:fDelta, loop, lockx, locky, freeze, time, forcesync);
to run animation off animation index.

pawn Код:
SetPlayerNameTagDrawDistance(playerid, distance);
Will allow a player to see nametags at a further or smaller distance than everyone else (or the same if you set the same distance).

Useful for? Well I could use it to check if a player's holding a camera or a sniper rifle and is currently aiming. Then I would set the nametags for him to a high amount so that he can see the names of everyone he aims at.

Add a status bar for SA-MP
pawn Код:
DrawBar(playerid, name, x, y, color1, color2);
ShowBar(playerid, name);
HideBar(playerid, name);
SetBarStatus(playerid, name, amount);
SetBarMaxStatus(playerid, name, maxamount);
disable - disable - 0, enable - 1.

Float:Health - is a Float of player max health points.

playerid - id of player.
name - name of bar.
x - Float on monitor.
y - Float:y on monitor.
color1 - amount in hex of color1.
color2 - amount in hex of color2.
Max resolution of monitor = 800:600(x:y)
playerid - id of player.
name - name of bar to show.

playerid - id of player.
name - name of bar to hide.

playerid - id of player.
name - name of bar to set status.
amount - amount of bar(0-maxamount).

playerid - id of player.
name - name of bar to set status.
maxamount - Max amount of bar(minimal max amount is 1).

Example of this status bar(amount - 109, maxamount - 157)

I - color1, II - color2

An idea just hit me when i was trying to shortlist a random server to join
with filters there are lots of servers yet, i was thinking why not have an advanced filter button where you can filter the servers further
such as more than x ping, or less than
more than x players, or less than

I really need a very simple fade to black, which is used in game start for example, and using it on function
SetPlayerFadeIn(playerid) <<+fading time>>
SetPlayerFadeOut(playerid) <<+fading time>>

Originally Posted by RSX
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I really need a very simple fade to black, which is used in game start for example, and using it on function
SetPlayerFadeIn(playerid) <<+fading time>>
SetPlayerFadeOut(playerid) <<+fading time>>
It possible.
There is a FS and INC for that

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