[FilterScript] Ingame player holding object editor.

Ingame PlayerHoldingObject Editor
(updated to v1.1 25th August 2010)

Basic filterscript-based editor I made (in a bit of a hurry) for holding objects which allows you to move objects around ingame, using the arrow keys, on each set of axes (XYZ offset, XYZ rotation). Realised that actually specifying offsets through trial and error is a bitch, so there had to be an easier way.

Probably a bit crude, but it's simple enough to use. Load the filterscript (it requires zcmd to compile by the way) and /editorhelp will show all three of the commands in their glory. Pick an object and a bone ID (no, you can't pick 0, lulz), execute /editor and it'll appear on your player (and freeze you, as it uses up/down/left/right keystates). Left/right shifts the axis (XYZ rotation/offset) while up/down controls the object along the axis. Once you've got it right in place, /preview can be used to move the camera and see what you've done; /saveobj will spit out the SetPlayerHoldingObject code, already fully formatted with a comment of your choice, to /scriptfiles/savedobjs.txt.

And yes, it's great for briefcases and the like. While not initally my idea, it can also be used in a multiplayer situation. I've now updated it to use a textdraw, the sscanf stock (as opposed to the plugin, it was unnecessary here) and added some other bits here and there.
.amx: http://solidfiles.com/d/cf33/
.pwn: http://pastebin.com/n1PxppfJ
screenshot: here

Thanks, very nice work.

ain't working for me....all commands say , SERVER: Unkown Command

Nice work i made one of these, but mines all done with commands not even thought of KeyStateChange, and yh specifying the offsets/rot was a ballache. GJ

Originally Posted by bertuspiteri
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ain't working for me....all commands say , SERVER: Unkown Command
Yeh' same happends for me..

Didn't tested it, the comments above say it doesen't work but what ever. From what I see in the description and code it looks cool.

Nice FS =)

Verry niiiice ^^

Love you! I tried 100x but some objects just don't obey.

Gonna try it out!

EDIT: Nothing works..

You need zcmd + sscanf 2.0 to run it, are you sure you're not doing it wrong? (yes, even using the AMX requires the sscanf 2.0 plugin).

Nice work, Kangaroo Jack!

lmao. I'll update this with the sscanf stock (for you guys who can't be bothered using the plugin), and textdraws.


Good job mate!

I'm having a problem... (the fs worked great 4 me), but, when I put the code in my gm, it does not compile... pawno returns me that warning (number of arguments does not match definitions). Do you know what is the problem?

thx, and congrats anyway

It looks like a nice filterscript!
I'll test it later.

nice hat sir

Good job. * Throws a cookie at Brian. *

Awesome Xd!! i love this one i'will use this

Originally Posted by matheuzinho
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I'm having a problem... (the fs worked great 4 me), but, when I put the code in my gm, it does not compile... pawno returns me that warning (number of arguments does not match definitions). Do you know what is the problem?

thx, and congrats anyway
Which line?

(also, make sure you're using up to date includes and such).

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