Does ping have anything to do with lag?

The age old question;

Does ping really have anything to do with lag?

I've been on SA-MP for nearly 3 years and this question has been debated many times on all the servers I have been on. Some say ping does have to do with lag, and some don't.

So my question is, does it?

And lets say my ping is 100. Someone else's is 215.

Who is the lagger / who lags more? The person with the lower ping, or the person with the higher ping?

The person with the higher ping lags more i guess . Same thing happens with me all the time.

Lag is a part of the game.

People might just call those over 100 pings to GTFO why? They can't lag shoot.

Ping is not = to lag but it is also one of the reasons you can't kill the person easily.

Okay what I'm trying to say is that whoever says you're a lagger and you have under 500 ping just call them to go play a game where everyone has under 100.

There is 2 kinds of lag imo.
-FPS lag
-Ping lag

FPS lag is when you see someone driving and their vehicle keeps going back then back to the normal position while moving infront that is FPS lag.

Ping lag is normal for people. Unless people live right beside the host or you're just hosting a server for a certain country. People whine because they can't kill someone in a DM server. Its not because they lag its because they are not able to shoot people under 500 ping.

Interesting... any other thoughts?

Pings does not determine lag. Its actually the distance between the server and your home and also the speed of sending packets to the server. If speed is less or any other programm is using up the speed the player is likely to lag. And I do agree EllipseRage. People that have <100 pings are likely to be flamed and insulted. But they might not lag >.> The player shooting will be the lagger

Originally Posted by CraZy_KiLLaH
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Pings does not determine lag. Its actually the distance between the server and your home and also the speed of sending packets to the server. If speed is less or any other programm is using up the speed the player is likely to lag. And I do agree EllipseRage. People that have <100 pings are likely to be flamed and insulted. But they might not lag >.> The player shooting will be the lagger
I agree, i can download pr0n on the same time and have a ping of 36 but still lag like hell.

Originally Posted by WackoX
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I agree, i can download pr0n on the same time and have a ping of 36 but still lag like hell.

Ping itself doesn't determines lag, the jitter (Variations in the ping) can cause lag, just like packet loss.

It is indeed the quality, not the speed, of your connection that matters most. Try using a mass-market ISP, 20mb or not, to see the difference (Yes, Virgin Media, I'm looking at you).

If your ping contains a lot of "jitter", you'll have a problem. I was on "Crazybob's Cops and Robbers" last night and someone on the other computer at my house was uploading something to a website. My ping jumped from about 85, to 1045. Then it kept bouncing up and down... The whole time that happened, the game play was a little different.

I dont get it. Ping usually goes high when you are downloading or uploading something (if I am not mistaken) my ping is always 300+ but I am not downloading or uploading anything.

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