cpu + scripts

Hi iv recently had some warnings from serverffs about cpu usage. i have 6 FS' some are quite small and i was wondering if i merge all FS' will i be using less cpu? Also when writing script are there any tips anone has for saving cpu?

This post is server support/scripting i know so i didnt know where to post this, i'd be happy if someone can confirm if merging FS' will use less cpu and leave the other question.

I doubt that's the problem here. Either way, run all of your filterscripts in your GM instead of going noobstyle and running them seperately.

I'd check for timers who run more than once a second, and loop through all players etc.

I doubt it's a direct problem with your script. serverFFS has received a few reported issues with this recently. The way my gamemode is designed, it's completely idle when empty. It's really efficient and yet it still gets these warnings regularly.

Originally Posted by Matthias_
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I doubt that's the problem here. Either way, run all of your filterscripts in your GM instead of going noobstyle and running them seperately.
In a lot of cases it's better to run individual elements of a server through a filterscript. This allows server owners to make live edits, together with controlling individual aspects of the server, how it should run and making it possible to easily disable certain features, using filterscripts in most cases couldn't be a better idea.

I think it is a problem with serverffs thanks jay, I have put all my script' inside my gamemode and still get the warning/restart. I might request a new server location or something and hope that one doesn't give these warnings its no good the server restarting through a crash nearly everyday I also have optomised the script as far as i can take it for now. Thanks for the tips guys

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