04.08.2010, 10:57
Hey everyone,
I just got the idea to create scripted fire yesterday. It's a small script without any timers (just using OnPlayerUpdate);
Every fire you create got an amount of Health (you can chose how much)
1. Put #include <fire2> on top of your script
2. Put f_init(); in OnGameModeInit() and f_OnPlayerUpdate(playerid); in OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
3. Create some commands for spawning fire ...
You can uncomment #define Labels and #define Healthdown
Labels = 3D Labels above the fire showing it's health
Healthdown = Players and vehicles lose HP if they are near/in the fire
Pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/MJeGjmcR
Have fun
I just got the idea to create scripted fire yesterday. It's a small script without any timers (just using OnPlayerUpdate);
Every fire you create got an amount of Health (you can chose how much)
AddFire(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Firehealth); DeleteFire(FireID); DeleteAllFire(); IsValidFire(FireID); GetClosestFire(playerid);
1. Put #include <fire2> on top of your script
2. Put f_init(); in OnGameModeInit() and f_OnPlayerUpdate(playerid); in OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
3. Create some commands for spawning fire ...
You can uncomment #define Labels and #define Healthdown
Labels = 3D Labels above the fire showing it's health
Healthdown = Players and vehicles lose HP if they are near/in the fire
Pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/MJeGjmcR
Have fun