20.08.2010, 01:11
Последний раз редактировалось Jesant13; 20.08.2010 в 21:55.
Причина: Added that my question has been answered in bold to help prevent people from unnecessarily answering it.
I used /dl and I'm aware of the meaning of everything except for the preloaded thing. I know 0 means that the vehicle isn't preloaded, and that 1 means the vehicle is preloaded, but what does preloaded mean exactly? Does it mean that the vehicle was spawned manually by another player?
I hope someone can answer my question, and yes I do know what preloaded means (like when you get a computer there are programs already installed on the operating system) but I don't know what it means for SA-MP, so I thought I'd ask.
Edit: Question answered.
I hope someone can answer my question, and yes I do know what preloaded means (like when you get a computer there are programs already installed on the operating system) but I don't know what it means for SA-MP, so I thought I'd ask.
Edit: Question answered.