House Electric Problem

Uhh.. well yeah, Since 2 days ago, the electric in the house has gone funky. Great description huh?

Well, Every so often the lights go really dim, like they are struggling for energy. And the computer goes off as it' looses power.

I'm not really sure why this is happening, but should i phone up the electric company or w.e?
Or has anyone else had a similar problem.

It's a ghost in your house :O
Nah call your Electric company but also check if your "secure" for the controll panel for the Electric haven't gone "BOOM".

Turn off your high powered death ray... it is drawing too much power.

Seriously, call your electric company and tell them you are experiencing brown outs... the dip in the power can really screw up your devices so you need to get on the phone ASAP.

Do NOT attempt to fix this yourself. Electricity will KILL you. Call the professionals (your power company).

Pff, ill stick my finger in it, But ill ring them up and see what they say.

Lol we have the same, sometimes goes on etc
but it isnt hapening often luckily.

It dosn't go off, the power level goes from like 100% to 25% so barley anything stays on like lights struggle.

Call your electric company, immediately. My house has a similar issue, but it doesn't always happen. Occasionally when the washer and dryer come on, the lights will start to dim...they quickly rise back up to 100% though.

that's the most funniest story I could've ever read on this moment dude

Yeah. Don't attempt to fix it yourself. 0.1 Amps can be fatal in the right circumstances. Definitely contact your power company. (If I were in your situation I'd put my skills to use. That's what I get for majoring in Electrical Engineering)

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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Call your electric company, immediately. My house has a similar issue, but it doesn't always happen. Occasionally when the washer and dryer come on, the lights will start to dim...they quickly rise back up to 100% though.
I've seen that happen in many houses, primilary when high power devices such as air conditioners, dryers, or fridges fire up.

But anyway, you should call your power company, but make sure not to run too much shit at once, that can cause problems.

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