Server unaccessible

hi guys i am trying to make a server online to all my friends and i tried every thread here but nothings working for me when i go on my server only i can play it or the people using my internet (router) can not outsiders why is that and plz dont say go to cause i tried that, didnt work. I tried forwarding my port (router is Linksys WRT54GS)
so I dont get whats wrong and i dont think i have a software that blocks ping or blocks ports and stuff.
Please help.

You sure you done like wiki said? And.... most important task that you FORWARD your ports. Add excepetion to firewall also. Also make sure that any programs don't block your GTA:SA.exe, samp.exe, announce.exe, and samp-server.exe.

the only prob with static is i have a shared internet acces (although i am the controler) i have 4 routers attached to my 1 main router meaning all the ports are being used and if i do static i wouuld have to make 15 ip address and give them to all my friends although i could do it on my ffrinds and do you know how to make a static ip address on a linksys wrt54gs?

Read the portforward guide for samp at
It will show you step by step for your router

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