Your Life

A few questions about your life, you're not forced to fill this in, but if you like, sure

Please add on some questions not only the number, but also per month/week/day etc.
Please fill in the answers fair, don't try to be cool or something please, thanks.

READ: When you don't want to fill in an answer (too private) please leave plank or answer: -private-

How old are you:
Male or female:
What is your religion:
Do you have any diseases or abnormalities:
Sports (if yes, what and when):
Where do you want to work later / work now:
What jobs do you like (rank it!):
(Work/School) At what time do you mostly go to bed:
(Work/School) At what time do you mostly sleep:
(Work/School) At what time do you mostly wake up:
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the morning:
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the midday:
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the evening:
(Work/School) How long are you outside (friends, etc.):

(Weekend) At what time do you mostly go to bed:
(Weekend) At what time do you mostly sleep:
(Weekend) At what time do you mostly wake up:
(Weekend) What do you mostly eat in the morning:
(Weekend) What do you mostly eat in the midday:
(Weekend) What do you mostly eat in the evening:
(Weekend) How long are you outside (friends, etc.):

When you wake up in the morning (as filled in), how long to do continue sleeping/relaxing:

Are you tall, average, or long (high length, NO PENIS):
Are you tight, average, or fat (body size):
How long are you mostly on the computer:
How long do you mostly watch TV:
How many times do you take a shower:
How many times do you clean up your room:
How many times do you 'make your bed':
How many times do you take a snack:
How many times do you brush your teeth:
How long do you brush your teeth:
How long to you mostly spend being with/at your friends (not counting school/work):
At what level are you on school / education:
Do you where any makeup:
Do you live on you own / have an own house:
Do you have a relationship:
Do you want a relationship:

If you had 3 whishes, what would it be (rank it!):
What do you want to change in your life or lifestyle:

When you get from school/work, what do you mostly do:
When you get from school/work, first finishing homework or PC/TV:
When you need to learn/make some homework, do you do it; the best you can, good/okay, fast, or not at all:
When you learn/make homework, does your parants, friends, or anybody else help you sometimes:
Do you which you had nicer friends:
How many times do you visit your friends, and when:

What punishment do you mostly get after doing something wrong:
Have you ever broke a law, stole something, etc. (if yes, what):

Have you even been in contact with the police (if yes, why):
Have you even been in contact with a criminal:
Have you even taken any drugs (if yes, what):
Have you ever had sex with somebody:

Are you gay, lesbian, or straight:

Do you respect religions, or do you hate them:
Do you think 9/11 was an inside job (after watching 1,5 hour 'loose change' movie!):
Do you swear; never, sometimes, average, too mutch:
Do you hate your country:
Do you hate your current government/laws:





Are you happy with..
Your high length (NO PENIS):
Your body size:
Your weight:
Your knowlage:
Your lifestyle:
Your friends:
Amount of friends:
Popularity on school/work:
The time you spend for school/work (homework):
How you look:

Are you..
A good/nice friend:
Willing to help people:

Do you find..
Your parents strict:
Yourself enough friends:
Yourself popular (on school):
Your life suck:
Life isn't fair:

Parents decision, or yours?
When to go to bed:
Maximum time on the PC:
Allowed to be on the internet/site:
At what time you must be home:
What kind of programmes on the TV you may watch:
What you are gonna eat in the evening (supper):
Forced to eat supper (evening):

why would you wanna know that?
just wanna raise your post count?
why should someone tell you this?..


bro... what are you trying to do? come rape us?

Originally Posted by Arsham7
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bro... what are you trying to do? come rape us?
Yes, now you got me :O
No, i need this for a project, if you don't want to fill something in, dont do it it's not required.

I was filling this out a second ago, then I stopped when it asked for my Penis length, and if I am happy with it. That's a bit too personal.

Originally Posted by CarltonTheGG
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I was filling this out a second ago, then I stopped when it asked for my Penis length, and if I am happy with it. That's a bit too personal.
Hahahaahah, it does not xD
I made a mistake, with 'small length' i ment how high you are, not your penis :P

Nice one

Are you tall, average, or long (high length, NO PENIS):


(Work/School) At what time do you mostly go to bed: when im tired
(Work/School) At what time do you mostly sleep: when im done watching television porn (a)
(Work/School) At what time do you mostly wake up: when my bird starts barking
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the morning: food
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the midday: food
(Work/School) What do you mostly eat in the evening: food


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