Skins and regular players

Hey Members of SA-MP. I have 2 questions that i need help with, for now ..

1.) How do i set skins for factions? For example, you get invited to faction 6, which would make you rank 1, giving you a skin. Then rank 2 gives another skin and so on. How do i make it do this?

2.) Since im using Ravens, an amazing script from cuervo, i kinda want to extend the regular players. Im using v2.7, and im making 2 ownable cars instead of 1, like he did for 2.8. But i want to make it like if your a regular player level 2 or so you can own 3 cars instead of 2, giving them a "reward" sorta. I just want to know how to do this, not only for cars but maybe businesses also. 2 instead of 1.

Side note: Thanks cuervo for releasing a good gm , and thanks in advance to whoever helps me.


public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
new classid=GetPlayerSkin(playerid);
case <skin id of rank 1>: if(Faction[playerid] != 6) { return 0; } else return 1;

Something like this

Return 0 to prevent player from spawning, return 1 to let him spawn

^^ will test, thanks for very quick response.

Originally Posted by [DRD]Rodney
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public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
new classid=GetPlayerSkin(playerid);
case <skin id of rank 1>: if(Faction[playerid] != 6) { return 0; } else return 1;

Something like this
Try using the [pawn] tag.

Originally Posted by SA:MP Forum
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pawn Code:
wtf is [.pawn.]  lol

public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
new classid=GetPlayerSkin(playerid);
case <skin id of rank 1>: if(Faction[playerid] != 6) { return 0; } else return 1;
EDIT: ooh nice

^^ Aztec, it doesnt really matter. also Rodney, how would i make it work for each rank 0.o

What you mean?

Originally Posted by Anthony[Gl-RP]
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^^ Aztec, it doesnt really matter. also Rodney, how would i make it work for each rank 0.o
I know it doesn't matter, just makes it look better.. Oh, and here you go.

pawn Code:
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
    new classid=GetPlayerSkin(playerid);
        case SKINID:
        if(Faction[playerid] != 6 && Rank[playerid] != 1) //If their Faction isn't ID 6, and their rank is not 1, it will not work.
            return 0;

Then for more ranks i would add....
pawn Code:
case SKINID:
        if(Faction[playerid] != 6 && Rank[playerid] != 2)

pawn Code:
case SKINID:
        if(Faction[playerid] != 6 && Rank[playerid] != 1) //If their Faction isn't ID 6, and their rank is not 1, it will not work.


pawn Code:
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
    new classid=GetPlayerSkin(playerid);
        case SKINID:
        if(Faction[playerid] != 6 && Rank[playerid] != 1)
            return 0;
        case SKINID2:
        if(Faction[playerid] != 6 && Rank[playerid] != 2)
            return 0;

Ah yes the return 0 . Thanks. Any ideas on my second question? Or my thrid which im asking now...

3.) How did cuervo make the "R" in the bottom right corner for game play?

Originally Posted by Anthony[Gl-RP]
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Ah yes the return 0 . Thanks. Any ideas on my second question? Or my thrid which im asking now...

3.) How did cuervo make the "R" in the bottom right corner for game play?
I'm figuring it's an Alt Code. ****** "Backwards R".

I found this shit when i ******d it

Character encoding 	Case 	Binary 	Hexadecimal 	Octal 	Decimal
Unicode Я 	Capital 	0000010000101111 	042F 	2057 	1071
Small 	0000010001001111 	044F 	2117 	1103

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