Removing Chat Limiter

I got a script here but theres a message limit so you can only type a certain amount of characters
I'm wondering if anyone knows what to delete to remove the message limit?

The script is a GF edit called Goodfella's

Look for something checking the length of the text parameter in the callback OnPlayerText.

Something like

pawn Код:
if(strlen(text) > 100)
Is probably what they're using to block text over a certain length. Just check for any mention of strlen in OnPlayerText and report back. Or better yet, post the entire OnPlayerText callback here if you can't figure it out.

The OnPlayerText is 1264 lines long so copying and pasting would be out of the question

paste OnPlayerText.... 1264 isnt much to find the problem cause most of it is other bullshit.

Indeed that many lines is too big really for a forum post.

Paste it in and post the link to it here, then we can look at it

I dont see the block anywhere, maybe JaTochNietDan can

Well I couldn't see anything that's checking the character limit specifically either. Although it might have something to do with

pawn Код:
But that's the only mention of that variable in the snippet you posted.

This is the only "realchat" thing i could find.. its just this and the one in OnPlayerText

new realchat = 1;

Originally Posted by Ritchie999
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This is the only "realchat" thing i could find.. its just this and the one in OnPlayerText

new realchat = 1;
What's the message that comes up when you type too many characters? If any?

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