03.08.2010, 12:48
The simple, fast & dynamic business system!
This filterscript will allow you to create businesses with one line, using files.
jBizz is completely dynamic, there's several options at the top of the script ready to be edited to your preferences.
Map Icons
3DText Labels
Made for use with dialogs
Interior & Virtualworld support
Everything is fully dynamic or editable at the top of the script!
jBizz is optimized for speed.
jBizz uses one global timer, with one loop, with a itteration count of (maxplayers in server.cfg), which checks if you have more than 1$ earnings, then gives you them, the interval of the timer is changable at the top of the script with the constant 'BIZZ_PAYMENT_INTERVAL', the timer is in Minutes.
jBizz reads files fast with the usage of sscanf2 by ******
jBizz has only been tested with one player
This is not so much a bug, but the Dialog gives two options, 'Buy' and 'Sell', if you own the business or not, however your response will be ignored if you don't own the business. If you own the business and you get the dialog again, simply press 'Buy' and you will get a message saying you already own the business.
If your responses to the dialogs aren't registered, it's because another one of your filterscripts uses OnDialogResponse, or you have returned wrong in the callback.
How to create a business
Create a folder in the folder 'scriptfiles' named 'jBizz', then inside that folder, create a file named 'Businesses.cfg'
Once done, open Businesses.cfg, and use the following format to create a business
Once you've done that, open the script and edit the constant 'MAX_BUSINESSES' to as much as you want.
Your businesses should be done, keep in mind using Files requires the format to be PERFECT.
Required scripts
jBizz requires the following scripts/plugins fully running & installed:
Icognitos Streamer - Click me
sscanf2 - Click me
If you don't have these scripts operating correctly, jBizz will not function right!
Pastebin: http://joelewis.pastebin.com/FTkZgQqK
The simple, fast & dynamic business system!
This filterscript will allow you to create businesses with one line, using files.
jBizz is completely dynamic, there's several options at the top of the script ready to be edited to your preferences.
Map Icons
3DText Labels
Made for use with dialogs
Interior & Virtualworld support
Everything is fully dynamic or editable at the top of the script!
jBizz is optimized for speed.
jBizz uses one global timer, with one loop, with a itteration count of (maxplayers in server.cfg), which checks if you have more than 1$ earnings, then gives you them, the interval of the timer is changable at the top of the script with the constant 'BIZZ_PAYMENT_INTERVAL', the timer is in Minutes.
jBizz reads files fast with the usage of sscanf2 by ******
jBizz has only been tested with one player
This is not so much a bug, but the Dialog gives two options, 'Buy' and 'Sell', if you own the business or not, however your response will be ignored if you don't own the business. If you own the business and you get the dialog again, simply press 'Buy' and you will get a message saying you already own the business.
If your responses to the dialogs aren't registered, it's because another one of your filterscripts uses OnDialogResponse, or you have returned wrong in the callback.
How to create a business
Create a folder in the folder 'scriptfiles' named 'jBizz', then inside that folder, create a file named 'Businesses.cfg'
Once done, open Businesses.cfg, and use the following format to create a business
pawn Код:
Business Name,Price,X coordinate,Y coordinate,Z coordinate,Interior,World
Your businesses should be done, keep in mind using Files requires the format to be PERFECT.
Required scripts
jBizz requires the following scripts/plugins fully running & installed:
Icognitos Streamer - Click me
sscanf2 - Click me
If you don't have these scripts operating correctly, jBizz will not function right!
Pastebin: http://joelewis.pastebin.com/FTkZgQqK