[GameMode] Public Enemy: LS-SF-LV

First of all, I want to say thanks for the original Astro pen1ls.
Many scripters and players will remember how this gamemode was popular in their time. I will not write all his dignity and opportunity because many people know it. I will write only what I added or what has changed.

All cities are independent of each other. All business work for the city, where they are located.

- Spawn
Civilian, Cyan, Cops spawn at LV
Vagos, Groove, Ballas at LS
Other gangs at SF

- Other
++ Added 7 new skins
++ Added block for rcon. You can unlocked rcon block with /unlockrcon. If someone logged as rcon admin when lock is turned on, then he will get banned. By default, the lock is enabled.
++ Added News Line. 3 TextDraw Lines below.
++ Added Lotto. The results are written below in News Line.
++ And much much more ...

- Chat
++ Added anim for command /shout
++ Added SetPlayerChatBubble
++ Added /ignoremsg [ignoreplayerid] (Only for admin)
This is the command to display messages in the chat for all, except the player you want to ignore.
++ Added /blockcmd [playerid] (Only for admin)
++ Added Chat Snoop (only for admins). They can see all player commands.

- Player
++ Added record IP to your account
++ Added Spree Detector. If you kill 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 or 25 you will be rewarded
++ Added /sex and other anims. Look at /animlist
++ Added /date
++ Added /hp [playeid]. If you suspect a player of cheating, check it with this command, and then contact the admin with /report
++ Added Killstats and Deathstats (use /deathstats and /killstats)
++ Added Armour Upgrade for player

- Vehicle
++ Added vehicle names hint. When you get into a vehicle, the right of the screen you will see the name of your vehicle.
++ Added /vstats
++ Added /avstats (only for admin)
++ Added /tyres /lights
++ Added Menu for Rent Cars
++ Added Speed Boost (only for admin). If speedboost activated you can speed up by pressing fire.
++ Added Vehicle Repair by pressing key analog up (only for admins)
++ Added vehicles in all SA. (880+)

- House:
++ Added entrance to the house by pressing a button F or Enter
++ Added map icons. You can always see the house on the map for sale nearby.
++ Added more vehicle for /carupgrade
++ Added Houses in all SA
++ Added opportunity to save in the house. In one of the room you can find saving pickup as in single SA.

- Bussines
++ Added Bussines in all SA
++ Added New Bussines: Petrol stations, Taxi Cabs, Airlines, San News, Pay&Spray
-- Petrol Stations
== You can buy a canister of gasoline at the stations and fill in way. You can fill car at the stations.
== For Petrol stations you shoud bring the components in Xoomer. In the upper right corner you can always see how much you have gasoline.
-- Taxi Cabs
== You can start earning a taxi, when you sit in it and clicking key submission.
-- San News
== You can sent advertise about your biz to News Line which is located at the bottom of the screen.(use /advert)
== You can start earning, when you sit in SANews Van and typing /buytape. And then go to the shooting area, and if you find yourself nearby, then they'll give you money, and a point of SERVICE in your profile.
If you have big online u can use /hotspot. This command set checkpoint where more then 2 players in small range.
Murder is no longer written in the chat. You'll see them only in the newsline, and only if the newsvan nearby.

- Missions:
++ Added a new mission, which you should get a job on the phone and then go to stop and take the case businessman. This mission is not a substitute for other missions.
++ Added Checkpoints for cashbox in all SA.
++ Added Races in all SA. The results are written below in News Line.
++ Added command /resetrace [racename] /racecreator [creator name]
++ Fixed bug, when after one lap script write lap time of last lap.
++ Increased the range of vehicles for Hotwire mission.

- Useful functions
++ Added HP Anti-Cheat
++ Added Anti-flood
++ Added Money Anti Cheat
++ Added Anti-Scroll (then he was off, but you can enable it with a timer)
++ Added Ping-Kick
++ Added Login/Reg Dialog
++ Added CMD, Chat, etc. logs
++ Added AFK System. You can't fake your nickname under the tag [AFK]
Saving the business, accounts, etc. are fine even if you in AFK mode. You do not need to come back from the AFK for payday, etc.

- Admin Commands
++ Added /getip [playerid] /getping [playerid] /slapcar [playerid] /force [playerid]
++ /resweapon [playerid] /tslap [playerid] /acheck [playerid]
++ /armourall /cd [time] /fixveh /destroyermycar /veh [carid] [color1] [color2]
++ /servername [new name] /mapname [new name] /reloadbans /reloadlogs /loadfs [name]
++ /unloadfs [name] /changemode [mode name] /reloadfs /gravity
++ /skick /getstars /setstars /wantedp /fkick /fban /fuck /alloff /allon
++ /paintjob /angel /joincar /entercarp /getall /forsale /setworld
++ /aplock /remove /removep /add /deladd /afklist /rkick /rban
++ /setintp /setname /giveperm /vehfixp /announce /eject /vehlist
++ /vehiclehelp /deletepl /giveveh /vehdel /acreset /aalarm /joinp
++ /gotofc /gettols /gettolv /gettosf /gettofc /warning /vehlink
++ /stad /enterveh /unwarn /vehrep /speedboost /jumpboost /invis
++ /ann /vcn /vehcol /givehealthveh

- Bugs
None. All fixed.

- Screens
news line, san news advertise demo

new mission demo

- Credits
Original Pen1LS - Denver(Astro)
PEN1LV - [X2G]Sneaky
DEV Help - OKStyle, pRime, Kosmos and other Public Enemy [TDM] Dev's
TESTERS - Rasum, Death, Terror, Tigress

- Possible questions
Q: Why you doesn't added saving car components for house veh.
A: Because the Car Mod business would lose its meaning.

Q: Why you doesn't added other dialog for fight styles, etc.
A: I left sa-mp and i haven't time. But i hope you will make it better.

>> Download pen1sa.amx+pwn (1mb) <<

IP for testing:

Public Enemy, whooah. I love that shit :P Good script

Why you think that pen1 is shit?
I think that is much better than any RP or dm. In Rolepley very difficult to play a lot because it takes time. Dm not everyone likes, because there is only a skirmish. And in pen1 combined many modes, such as dm, race, a few RGP things, etc.

Originally Posted by [TDM]Relax
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Why you think that pen1 is shit?
I think that is much better than any RP or dm. In Rolepley very difficult to play a lot because it takes time. Dm not everyone likes, because there is only a skirmish. And in pen1 combined many modes, such as dm, race, a few RGP things, etc.
He didn't say it was "shit" he said "I love that shit" which pretty much means "The Shit", There both different type of lines hes pretty much saying its good lol.

Damn, my head in the morning does not work xD

[TDM]Relax, very good work

I found one bug at spawn after dm. Now it fixed

You can play in one city. They are independent from each other.

Whoa nice men.

I always used Pen1, i also have a server with fully edited Pen (Currently under construction)

not to leave the house!

command /exit not working

how to repair command /exit??

Maybe you use some [FS], which blocks this command?
I tested that command, and testers tested too, and everything was fine.

send me the full-serve in .rar PLZ

i tested it now and /exit work fine
I think u use default [FS] property, so /exit command you have not worked.

/Carupgrade, wanted to buy the car right now and not 24 hours

Wow, awesome i like it xD

Originally Posted by maluku102
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/Carupgrade, wanted to buy the car right now and not 24 hours
I have not edited that command, if necessary, I can do.

people do not like that part to wait 24 hours,one can take it

how do u actually make someone a cop?

good gm congratz

Originally Posted by hostler
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how do u actually make someone a cop?
use /addcop [pname]

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