help with dialogs

hi i want to know how to have a lot of dialog menus without each of them messing up the other like a house system that is dialog and a bank system that is dialog and login system with dialog. thats what i have and if i have the bank the house system wont work. if i have the house and login the house system wont work and so on. how can i make all dialogs work together.

I don't understand. Each Dialog uses a different ID, So you could have 1 as the House Dialog and 2 as the Login Dialog.

could you give me like a example it doesnt have to be a script just maybe house = DIALOG_INPUT1 and login = DIALOG_INPUT2 ?

maybe house? what are you saying.

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i meant that for the house system the dialog menu would be DIALOG_INPUT1

well... to be honest i don't know what i've did here i don't know how to make 2 dialogs.. like "insert player name" then "insert the money"

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