little help with somthing

Hey i've been wanting to create a /lang command so players can choose there laungage.

But i'm not sure how to do it, I tryed but it got confusing.

So does anyone no how i can make it..

example somone types

/lang ger sets there laungage to german. Then all texts are in german..
/eng sets it to english and all texts are in english for the player..

I hope you no what i want

Please reply


Originally Posted by MaykoX
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If you would use search you could find exact thing you're searching now. Anyway you can use global variables, like new eng; and than use if(eng[playerid] == 1)... or if(ger[playerid] == 1)..
Thanks for your help MaykoX

Off Topic: Sorry for the argument with the video..

It was my fault for bumping i just remembered.

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